THE SYNTHETIC PARADIGM – The Value Of Deploying Humanoid Robots


What are the possible advantages of commanding a synthetic person? What are the possible drawbacks? In this article, #SECURITY #INTELLIGENCE #RESEARCHER Robert Brooks Authement of BRIQ | HAUS LTD. seeks to clarify the reasons why governments and corporations would vy to possess such amazing technology, and the likelihood of its quiet deployment worldwide.

Robots Rising

The future is here! The year 2018 shows advances in such arcana as quantum computing, autonomous swarms, artificial general intelligence, and interconnected devices all around the globe (and beyond). In previous articles, I describe the potential to deploy nanotechnology to create an “internet of people” through the propagation of radio frequencies which are received and retransmitted by a human nervous system colonized by nanotechnology. The usefulness in this scenario is that a large dataset may be gathered through the human domain, as mapped by the increasingly deeper penetration of “fog” or “mist” computing. This would not only allow for a passive gathering of data from the developing sensors, but even more insidiously, a sort of code injection allowing operators to “hack the human domain.”

Anyone in intelligence circles has heard of MK-ULTRA mind control program developed by Central Intelligence Agency circa Cold War era. The use of “classic conditioning” and drugs could effectively create a sort of push-button agent a la Manchurian Candidate. This was essentially the installation of sub-users on a human domain computer, called by mental health clique by the name “dissociative identity disorder.” This was in Biblical times referred to as daemonic possession. People under such spells were liable to any sort of behavior that would otherwise be classified as beyond or outside the capabilities of their normative sub-routine. In this manner, an operator or entity could affect a response that would benefit their own agenda while sacrificing the free will and safety of the operand. This sort of strategy, while demonstrably effective, is sloppy by today’s standards.

Therefore let us focus upon the not so far future, or rather the present as it were. Robots are rising everywhere. In the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, Sophia the humanoid robot was just granted citizenship, while in America a mall guardbot allegedly “commits suicide” by plunging itself into a water fountain. DARPA regularly and openly discusses neurotechnology and other esoteric strangeness, which must be taken at face value as they do possess the backing of the Department Of Defense and United States Government at large. Boston Dynamics produces deft animal-like robots, called SPOT-mini, which not only moves but also seemingly thinks like a similarly sized creature through the autonomous navigation of new environments.

The bold and intrepid mind of a true investigator will not only read these evidences, but also do its best to read between the lines and speculate, or rather predict, what must be behind door number one.

“Dey Turk Ahr Jarbs!!!”

I was working at Home Depot circa 2002, shortly after the wretched circumstances of 9/11 changing the entire world’s operative dynamic. I remember watching the cameras creep into the workspace, shortly followed by some of the very first automatic self checkout systems. This was a clear sign: the robots would take our jobs.

Where would a robot be most useful? Where would it sell the most units? Who would be the first group of consumers allowed access to the marvelous and spectacular technological wonders being developed and released in niche societies? These are incredibly important questions to consider when formulating one’s own surmisal of what may be happening behind the scenes with humanoid technology.

Sex sells, obviously. Therefore the highest likelihood of advanced humanlike synthetic people would be designed for purposes of sexual gratification. Check. We have lots of companies producing “lifelike silicon love dolls” at this stage in the game. But doesn’t it seem like silicon stretched over a plastic skeleton is a bit old fashioned when we look at the stuff that groups like DARPA and Boston Dynamics are showing us?

Entertainment is a key factor in driving technology as well. Here the undisputed authority in “advanced animatronics” is Disney. The animatronic models deployed at their theme parks are cutting edge and often described as being more real than real. Watching some of these units operate creates a deep inbound fascination, like when the first animated characters lit up the screens long ago. Is it not feasible, then, that this type of realism would be applied maximally to special units for an elite echelon of society’s topmost insiders?

The Real Reason For Developing Advanced Synthetic People

You guessed it. Intelligence and military applications are of course the main reason why governments and their subsidiary corporate functionaries would develop and ultimately quietly deploy advanced synthetics in various applications around the world, and likely even space. Synthetic people would have some serious advantages over the old-fashioned MK-ULTRA brainwashed human agent. Beginning as an inherently programmable and customizable interface, the possibilities for usefulness are truly boggling.

A synthetic person would need to have all of the highest grade technological components integrated into their operational platform. That means advanced optics for video surveillance, and audio sensors for eavesdropping. It also means that the synths would be endowed with language capabilities allowing for their deployment in various theatres, as they would be required to speak possibly several tongues to accomplish their mission. An advanced synthetic person can be installed at a company anywhere, with a made up history and falsified documents and curricula which make them the most desirable candidate for employment at target corporation or rival government.

A robot can kill without feeling. A robot can do its work without passion.

Avoiding Blade Runners

There would also be need of communicative technologies not in terms of spoken language, but the language of machines, that being encrypted signals transmission and reception. But what about other military grade sensors? Would they be able to detect strange transmissions originating from our synthetic agent? Surely if our robot secretary has a wifi hotspot installed, some company hacker would get up in there like greased lightning. Therefore we would need to consider utilizing UHF (ultra high frequency) in burst transmission at a time when they are not likely observed by said sensors. This would be during “sleep” or dream state when batch uploads and downloads can take place in microseconds.

But it begs the question: Does this technology have to be nuts and bolts bare-metal stuff stuck under some kind of skin culture? What about biometrics, retinal scanners, fingerprint plates and the like? What about airport back-scatter scanners and other x-ray type technologies? Wouldn’t corporate or government security immediately suspect a gorgeous spy with an abnormal titanium skeleton?

Therefore, we may have to consider that the “new people” that are surely emerging are perhaps a hybrid form of synthetic biology, and technology. This would create a nearly undetectable and yet highly functional agent whose purposes and capabilities would be coveted and highly sought after by militaries and government. The added bonus is that she is a real “killer in the sack.”

Reinforcing Considerations

Hollywood has always played on the imaginations of people, creating new dreams and realizing old ones on the silver screen. Ever since Pinocchio cut his strings, we have been amazed at the idea of synthetic people and their potential for autonomous deployment. Newer movies that reflect and show this kind of agenda include Blade Runner and its sequel, Blade Runner 2049, Ex Machina, The Machine, Ghost In The Shell, and many, many others. Surely that is only the stuff of fairy tales and nonsense, you may be thinking, but perhaps not. . .

Perhaps it is the dreamers of the dreams and the music makers giving the rest of us a glimpse into the world they fully intend to create, by introducing us to our rapidly rising friends, the “new people.”


Fog Computing –

Mist Computing –


Dissociative Identity Disorder –

Robot Commits Suicide –

Sophia Citizen Of Saudi Arabia –

DARPA N3 Technology –

DARPA Targeted Neuroplasticity Training –

SPOT Mini –

Love Dolls –

Robots In Space –

Robots In Film –